Sample Fuel has released DROP-CRE8. This is a completely free Drag n Drop sample instrument that makes creating usable sounds with almost no effort.
"DROP-CRE8 raises the bar on what users can expect from a free instrument. There is nothing restricted or feature "lite" in this release. Users will be able to see what SAMPLE FUEL's CRE8 Engine can achieve in sonic quality and in sound design. DROP–CRE8 is easy to use with its intuitive MAIN PAGE but if you explore the other pages you can turn any sound into something deep and powerful with ease. The 2 layer approach includes both a sample playback engine and a granular engine. The sonic possibilities are vast and capable. " said Danny Lux, Owner at SAMPLE FUEL.

Key Features:
DUAL LAYER SYNTHESIS ENGINE – Layer 1 is a Sample Playback engine. Layer 2 is a Granular Engine..
User can control direction of playback (forward or reverse) in real time all while in sync to your host's playback.
Audio WARP allows you to drop your loops in and have them sync and lock to your host's tempo.
You can load patches in up to 16 slots that can be used multi-timbral or layered by assigning patches to the same MIDI channel.
Intuitive single user interface that provides all the functionality you would reach for during composing or performing.
18 different insert effects.
61 Total effects via the aux channels.
8 Quick Control knobs to access the most common parameters for fast adjustments.
Price: free. DROP-CRE8 is available for immediate download here.